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Planning Board Minutes 04/03/2014
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
April 3, 2014

Members present:  Chairman Kevin Mara, Vice-Chairman Tom Jameson, Ex-Officio Jeffrey Jordan, Stan Brehm, Tom Houle, Allen Mayville, Richard Moore, Alan Williams and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Others Present:  Chris & Tina Drew, Todd Drew, Bernd Reinhardt, Barbara Frangione, Lucille Noel, Michelle Plunkett, Ann Davis, Doug & Kate Hall, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Jim & Gail Towle, Bob & Faye McAnney, Jason Weir, David Colbert, Mike Paveglio and Joe Austin.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

The minutes of March 6, 2014 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Brehm to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Community Charrette - Ms. Lucille Noel of the Heritage Commission and Historical Society gave a presentation and overview of the Charrette application that was presented to Plan NH.  Plan NH is a non-profit established in 1989 that has conducted over 50 community charrettes.  The Charrette application encompasses the area on Main Street with a goal of envisioning a “Town Center” and developing traffic calming measures.  If the application is accepted, the visioning sessions would occur in the fall.  The Charrette as a whole has a value of over $30,000.  Chichester’s contribution is $5,000 which the Commission plans to raise through private donations.  Mr. Weir asked if the Charrette will result in new zoning to control Main Street.  Ms. Noel responded that is only a tool for future planning purposes.  Ms. Noel seeks a strong commitment from the Planning Board throughout the entire process, specifically physical interaction.  Ms. Noel distributed monetary pledge sheets to the members.  Mr. Jameson stated that he will bring the ideas to the Parks and Recreation Commission.

Un-Merger of Map 5 Lot 87 & 87A – Mr. Weir was present to speak on the merits of the discussion.  Mr. Weir has come forward to request that the Planning Board issue a release upon the Voluntary Lot Merger approved by the Planning Board in 2012.  In order to approve a Voluntary Lot Merger, the resulting lot must be conforming to the current zoning ordinance.  This merger did not meet that criterion.  Legal counsel has been sought with the opinion that the corrective action is to hold a public hearing for the purposes of transparency as a means of informing the public and to issue the release and have such recorded in the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds.

Conceptual Home Occupation – Map 4 Lot 31 – Chris & Tina Drew – The Drew’s propose moving their dog grooming business from Lane Road to the existing home at 154 Dover Road.  The Board informed the Drew’s where the business will now be located in the Commercial Village, it now becomes a Site Review vs a Home Occupation Permit application.  Mr. Pike met with the Drew’s previously to review the Site Review requirements.  The Drew’s submitted conceptual site layout plans and building improvement plans.  Further guidance was provided to prepare for the submittal of a formal application.  

Map 3 Lot 68B – Chichester Condominium Corporation – Joseph Austin was present to speak on the merits of the discussion.  Mr. Austin presented conceptual plans of subdividing a portion of the lot for the purposes of selling a commercial lot.  The Board posed questions regarding the density requirements placed upon the previous approved condominium subdivision.  Mr. Austin stated that the density of residential soils would not change.  The Board informed Mr. Austin that the density would have to be proven with the submittal of a new subdivision application.  The Board raised questions regarding the spreading/stockpiling of “Dirty Dirt” on the property.  Mr. Austin stated that he has a letter from DES allowing this product to be used for residential purposes as long as such were located in a commercial zone.  Mr. Austin also stated that the Condo Docs have preliminary approval from the AG’s office.  

Election of Officers – Dr. Mara was nominated as Chairman and Mr.  Jameson was nominated as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.  Both members accepted the nominations.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Dr. Mara to adjourn the meeting at 8:29pm.  Motion passes.

Respecfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

Not approved until signed.

Kevin J Mara, DVM